
Lessons I Learnt the Hard Way

A New year awaits, a world full of hope for a better future and a brighter me with all the Lessons I Learnt The Hard-Way In 2021! 2021 has been a tough year for most of us, yet it has taught us several things that we often ignored or choose to ignore. From the basic necessities of life to many comforts and luxuries, from our many relationships to family and friends to our connection with the inner-self, this ending year has given us roller-coaster rides. 

This passing year has reminded us the value of all the many things that we always took for granted. I have jot down all the realizations that I feel and that I need to focus on for a happier me. 

Lessons I Learnt The Hard-Way In 2021

Here are they:

  • Life Can Change Suddenly

Change is the only constant, but how many of us are prepared for sudden changes?

We all plan our lives, but we forget the controller of it all, OUR KARMAS. A lot can change beyond our imagination, beyond our control just suddenly in our lives. One of the hardest Lessons I Learnt The Hard-Way In 2021! Life is uncertain, we were often told this, but we never absorbed it. Don’t forget none of us know how much time each one of us really have. 

  • Lack Of Strength To Face Any Situation

Most of us believe we are very strong physically and emotionally, yet during testing times we realise that we lack that strength and the power that is required to fight the turmoils of life. We are not prepared to face or accept the difficulties. Acceptance of a lack of energy will lead to remedial measures. Practising yoga or meditation and exercising the body is essential. Learn to calm your mind during times of anxiety. Remember you need to continuously work on yourself.

2021 has been the year of spiritual awakening.

  • Stop Taking Yourself For Granted

How are you so sure that you will be living tomorrow? You don’t know how much time you have.

Many of us have never been more thankful to every breath of air that we were taking  every minute of every passing day in 2021. Have you ever given a thought to how well your body takes care of everything you want to do physically and mentally. Don’t take it for granted anymore, please.

Concentrate on your feelings, analyse your likes and dislike, listen to your inner voice and work towards your happiness because you are most important.

  • Resolve The Conflicts

If you don’t do this in this life, you have to face all the complications again in your future lives till you resolve them. You want to go through all this again?

Work out the solutions to finish all fights that you may have with yourself or others, let it go and free yourself. Finish it now. Believe that the other person did what was right for them. Accept that you created the hurt and held on to it.. One of the most important lessons I learnt the hard way in 2021: Forgive and Forget.

I am thankful to all the people who have hurt me because you are the ones who have made me powerful and strong to face any challenges of life.

  • Stop Complaining Of What You Don’t Have

For all of us who survived the year 2021, remember all things don’t matter in life.

So many days of my life have already passed complaining and cribbing of what others have and I don’t have. Several days have gone by when we did not appreciate how well we have been looked after by God. Be thankful that you are alive, you have food to eat, water to drink, a beautiful house to live in and many loved relationships. There are many people who still love you! 

These were the most significant lessons I learnt the hard way in 2021. Of course, a constant reminder of these is essential.

Let’s welcome this New Year 2022 with love, contentment and a new happier life!

If you like my thoughts and approve of them, do let me know. 

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